Ani's Home

We lost our daughter Ani to Lupus a few days after her 12th birthday. The virtual world of the Internet helps to keep her moments alive and share them with others. The first posting was on August 2005 To read all past postings from 2005 onward, please go to and you will see all the previous entries listed. Click on the one you wish to read.

Friday, October 12, 2007

October Song

And yet, you are
In corners and in vast spaces
Near the stony corn fields where
Upon shiny granite
We kept your name
For summers yet to shade
And for snow to blanket

I still see you
In youthful crowds
And in quiet midnights
As a child, as a daughter
And sometimes as the girl
Who loved to dance with daddy

I will rake
Fallen leaves alone, again
And pile them high and close my eyes
To see you jump, to hear your smile
On a cool October night
With the moon high
And Irises long gone

And while you are
In corners and vast spaces
I look for you where we never were
Hoping you were only lost, hoping you’ll find the way
To the fireplace one winter night
And leave your bedroom door open
So I can kiss you goodnight, again

I keep you in my fold
Like a song one sings alone
While raking fallen autumn leaves
Under the ash tree where
Once a girl swung on a swing
And the swing returned empty
For the girl had left
Fallen autumn leaves for daddy to pile high
En guise of adieu…

October 12, 2007


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