Ani's Home

We lost our daughter Ani to Lupus a few days after her 12th birthday. The virtual world of the Internet helps to keep her moments alive and share them with others. The first posting was on August 2005 To read all past postings from 2005 onward, please go to and you will see all the previous entries listed. Click on the one you wish to read.

Monday, May 08, 2006

In A World Of Shadows

… Our house is filled with pictures of Ani. We look at her every time we move from one room to another. We say “hello”, we say “good night”. This morning, I got up earlier than usual – I have lost the comfort of the few hours I used to sleep.
The dogs were snoozing and not ready to go out at 3 am. So I made coffee and my eyes froze upon one of Ani’s pictures in the living room. It was almost a “living” picture! Somehow the dim light had cast a strange shadow upon her smile. Almost changing it. The picture I took and had looked at a million times seemed new. Seemed like Ani had a new smile.
… I rubbed my eyes, took a sip to wake up my senses, and a strange calm descended upon me. I shut my eyes and recalled the first diaper change. It was December 1993. There was snow outside. The first diaper change!
Then I looked at the picture again. This time, perhaps because I had changed my position on the chair, the shadow was gone. I was now looking at a beautiful girl proud of her 12 years. A girl who never knew how it would feel to be 13. To kiss the first kiss under a tree or behind a wooden door. A girl who would never know the joy of changing the first diaper on her daughter.
… I got up, kissed the picture and took the dogs out for an early walk. Sometimes it is better to cry in the streets, before sunrise….

May 8, 2006