Ani's Home

We lost our daughter Ani to Lupus a few days after her 12th birthday. The virtual world of the Internet helps to keep her moments alive and share them with others. The first posting was on August 2005 To read all past postings from 2005 onward, please go to and you will see all the previous entries listed. Click on the one you wish to read.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cimetiere Ancien

It just might be that
When the song is of tears
And the wine is of that river
Where the sun sets timid and red
Next to a town so old
Where women dress in black
Before their men leave for the salty sea
For the sea may keep them
And the shore in their names will only shape
Froth and moss

It might be that
In that sunset I missed
The tenderness
A summer night could have shared
When the song was of tears
And the wine of that shiny river
Still shy
For the night was just a vast moment
Of finding and bidding farewell
To a smile so calm
And to a name I knew

It just might be that
I still think one day
I will be back there
Where the sea is salty
As if the taste of hidden tears
Silently dropped
In a simple glass
Of old wine


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